Unconventional Italy

Our language assistant in the Italian Department, will tell us about different aspects of her country, which tourist don’t probably see when visiting Italy.

Cinema Session in Screenbox

We’re having a cinema session on Wednesday 31st January in Screenbox (C/Pi i Maragall, 26) , at 9.30 pm. It’s the original version with subtitles. Contact your teacher and tell them what option you prefer, film only (4€) or film+ dinner (10€). “Emma Stone’s raunchy gothic comedy is unlike anything you’ve seen in years (…) Rating: ★★★★★ (out of 5) …

The English Depatment’s Advent Calendar

Why don’t you participate in our Christmas Competition? Behind each window there’s a surprise. Guess who the children in the photos are, you will find some help in the Christmas tree next to the calendar. The student who gets all the names right will have a prize! Ask your teacher for more information, it’ll be good fun!

American Poets

Nuria Mina, a professor from the UdL, will work with our advanced students, C1 and C2, on some poems by American authors. On 20th and 22nd November in the “Sala d’actes”.

Cinema Session

We’re having a cinema session on Thursday 23rd November in Screenbox (C/Pi i Maragall, 26) , at 9.30 pm. It’s the original version with subtitles. Contact your teacher and tell them what option you prefer, film only (4€) or film+ dinner (10€). Great film directed by Ken Loach and Paul Laverty!!

Halloween Quiz 2023

come to participate with your classmates and have a terrific experience!!

May Cinema Session

The Fabelmans Thursday 4th 9:30 pm in Screenbox, C/ Pi i Maragall 26, Lleida A great story written and directed by Steven Spilberg! You can see the film in its original version with subtitles. It starts at 9:30 pm., and if you can come earlier you can also have dinner there. There are two options: 1: film (4€) or 2: film + sandwich/ …